1.请确保已完成CARSI SP申请和接入流程 (CARSI SP joining process)的前七个步骤(第一步~第七步)。
1.Please ensure that you have completed Steps 1 to 7 of CARSI SP申请和接入流程 (CARSI SP joining process).
2.请仔细阅读 CARSI基本调试要求(CARSI Basic Debugging Requirements)。
2.Please read CARSI基本调试要求(CARSI Basic Debugging Requirements) carefully.
技术调试 (Technical debug with CARSI):1. 向CARSI联盟提交SP配置信息(Add SP info into CARSI)
审批通过后,登陆 CARSI会员自服务系统。
Once the membership is approved, login CARSI Online Helpdesk.
在“我的CARSI->SP管理”中,选择“添加SP”,按照提示完成添加 SP并上传metadata文件。
On MyCarsi->SP Mgmt(SAML) page, click Add SP, follow the hints to add your SP and its metadata.
Once added, the metadata of this SP would be merged into CARSI pre-production environment: https://www.carsi.edu.cn/carsimetadata/carsifed-metadata-pre.xml.
Please configure your SP to use this metadata in MetadataProvider, for example:
a. set SSO discoveryURL to be CARSI SAMLDS service (pre-production):
SAML2b. 添加CARSI的metadata到MetadataProvider中:
b. Add CARSI pre-production metadata to MetadataProvider:
These are the steps for installing a new SP, just for your reference:
#通过yum源的方式安装(install through yum)[root@www ~]# wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/security://shibboleth/CentOS_7/security:shibboleth.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d[root@www ~]# yum install shibboleth[root@www ~]# systemctl start shibd [root@www ~]# systemctl enable shibd[root@www ~]# systemctl restart httpd#配置SP受保护资源目录(config producted dir)[root@www ~]# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/shib.conf#line 49 /secure 指的是受保护资源的目录,按照需要自行修改 protected dir, change it based on your demand#配置SP entityID(config SP Entity ID)[root@www ~]# vi /etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml#将(replace):ApplicationDefaults entityID="https://sp.example.org/shibboleth"#改为(with):ApplicationDefaults entityID="https://[sp域名]/shibboleth"#将(replace)SAML2#改为(with)SAML2#在代码块内增加(/etc/shibboleth/carsifed-metadata-pre.xml为待生成的metadata备份文件)Add in block(/etc/shibboleth/carsifed-metadata-pre.xml is the backup metadata file to be generated)[root@www ~]# systemctl start shibd [root@www ~]# systemctl enable shibd[root@www ~]# systemctl restart httpd2.在预上线环境进行认证测试(Test on pre-production environment)访问待测试SP应用的CARSI登录